This Statement of Warranty Terms and Conditions (“Warranty”) sets forth the warranties provided by Manufacture

to the original purchaser ( Quality Turf Company)of STR Corporation synthetic turf products as defined

below (“Products”). By accepting delivery of the product(s), purchaser agrees to be bound by and accept

these terms and conditions. Manufacturer will only be obligated to honor any warranties set forth in this

Statement of Warranty Terms and Conditions upon receipt of full payment for the Product(s) and timely

registration of the Product(s) as set forth in Section 7 below. 1. Products. As used in this Warranty, the terms

“Product” or “Products” shall mean the STR Corporation set forth in Exhibit “A”.

1. Products. As used in this Warranty, the terms “Product” or “Products” shall mean the STR Corporation set

forth in Exhibit “A”.

2. Limited Warranty. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, Manufacturer warrants to

Purchaser that the Products will maintain their UV stability and tensile strength under normal conditions

during the applicable warranty period, as set forth in Exhibit A. For purposes of this Warranty, a Product

shall be deemed to have maintained its UV stability and tensile strength if the original tensile strength

and pile height of the Product does not decrease by more than fifty percent as a result of ultraviolet

degradation within the applicable warranty period. The applicable warranty period begins on the date of

installation and applies only to the Original Purchaser.

3. Manufacturer’s Obligations Under Warranty. Manufacturer’s sole liability for a Product that fails

to perform as warranted during the warranty period shall be limited to repair or replacement of the

Product and Manufacturer shall have no other obligations or liabilities with respect to the Product.

Manufacturer will perform all repairs or provide any replacement of Product that it deems necessary, in

its sole discretion, within a reasonable time period from the date that Manufacturer receives notice from

Purchaser. Manufacturer shall provide Product for the repair or replacement to Purchaser at a prorated

cost based upon the usable period of the Product as set forth in Exhibit A. Products which have been

repaired or replaced by Manufacturer shall have a remaining warranty of the balance of the original

warranty period.

4. Limitations on Coverage. This Warranty does not apply if the Product is used for any applications other

than those stated in the installation and product guidelines provided to Purchaser. Additionally, this

Warranty specifically excludes:

a. Damages caused, but not limited to, burns, cuts, accidents, vandalism, abuse, negligence or neglect,

and Acts of God;

b. Damages caused by the use of improper cleaning agents, exposure to chemicals containing

elements from the halogen group (such as chlorine, fluorine, bromine, or iodine), herbicides,

pesticides, or other inappropriate chemicals. Chemical exposure can also result from run-offs from

neighboring properties; c. Failure to maintain infill products at the correct level* or the use of


c. Failure to maintain infill products at the correct level* or the use of inappropriate infill products;

d. Improper installation of product; and/or

e. Damage caused by continued exposure to reflective light from windows and other objects.

f. Mineral deposit builds up from exposure to hard water.

Normal wear and matting is not a manufacturing defect and is not covered by this Warranty. Purchaser

should carefully read product information materials and literature for information about optimizing the

performance and life of the STR Corporation covered by this Warranty.

5. Limitations of Remedies. Purchaser’s exclusive remedy and Manufacturer’s sole liability for any and

all damages resulting from any cause whatsoever, whether such case is based on contract, negligence,

strict liability, other tort or otherwise, shall not exceed in any one case or in total the original price of the



6. No Other Warranties. Manufacturer makes no representations or warranties of any kind, nature, or

description with respect to any of the products express or implied, including without limitation, any

warranty of ability and fitness of any of its products for any particular purpose or application other that

those stated in its installation, product, and/or marketing literature.

7. Modifications. This Warranty can only be modified in writing by an authorized officer of Manufacturer.

No other modification, oral or in writing, may be made. This Warranty and the invoice with terms and

conditions constitutes the complete, final, and exclusive terms for the sale of STR CorporationTM synthetic

turf products by Manufacturer.

8. Governing Law. Interpretation and enforcement of these terms and conditions shall be governed by the

laws of the State of Georgia.

9. Severability. If any provision or portion of any provision of this Warranty shall be held to be illegal,

invalid, or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions or portions

thereof shall constitute the parties’ agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof, and all such

remaining provisions or portions thereof shall remain in full force and effect.

Turf System Pile Height Infill per Square Foot

1” 1.5 lbs.

1 1/4” 1.75 lbs.

1 1/2” / 1 5/8” 2 lbs.

1 3/4” 2.5 lbs.

1 7/8” / 2” 3 lbs.



EXHIBIT A: Applicable Warranty Period

Page 3 of 3

Product Fiber Application Warranty Period *

Pro-rated Material Value

100% Nylon

Putting Greens 10 Years Less one-tenth (1/10) per annum

from date of installation

Hitting Matts / Driving

Surfaces 2 Years Less one-half (1/2) per annum

from date of installation

Landscape, Rooftops,

Fringe for grass 15 Years Less one-fifteenth (1/15) per

annum from date of installation

Commercial 10 Years Less one-tenth (1/10) per annum

from date of installation

Playground 7 Years Less one-seventh (1/7) per annum

from date of installation

100% PE

Landscape, Rooftops,

Fringe for grass 15 Years Less one-fifteenth (1/15) per

annum from date of installation

Pet 8 Years Less one-eighth (1/8) per annum

from date of installation

Commercial 10 Years Less one-tenth (1/10) per annum

from date of installation

Playground 7 Years Less one-seventh (1/7) per annum

from date of installation

PE/Nylon Landscape, Rooftops,

Fringe for grass 15 Years Less one-fifteenth (1/15) per

annum from date of installation

PE/Polypropylene Landscape, Rooftops,

Fringe for grass 15 Years Less one-fifteenth (1/15) per

annum from date of installation

Polypropylene Putting Greens 7 Years Less one-seventh (1/7) per annum

from date of installation

Agility Collection

(TXT34, TXT48,


Agility 8 Years Less one-eighth (1/8) per annum

from date of installation

Last Updated December 6, 2024


Number of months remaining in the unexpired portion of warranty period divided by total number of

months in warranty period and multiplied by the purchase value of the affected area.